Ali Asker
2006-06-09 00:44:25 UTC
Yes, good point, gogu. However, when Greeks borrow anything from Turkish
they tend to mix it with a bit of Greek.
You fucken racist , fanatical turkish nationalist son of a *tURk*! Whatthey tend to mix it with a bit of Greek.
makes you think that Greeks have borrowed this word from the *tURk*s. If the
Greeks are using the same word then why can't you credit them for that? Why
everything that you use have to be Turkish? Why can't you even cosider the
possibility that you may have borrowed the word from the Greeks, Armenians,
Assuriyans, Kurds, Arabs or Persians?
In Greek you would say, "...geia to hatiri mou" ("for my favor" which in
proper English would be "as a favor to me" or "for my sake".
Can't you not see the above expression, This word is exatly the same way itproper English would be "as a favor to me" or "for my sake".
has been used in Kurdish language "ji bo xatir û bextê min" for my own sake!
But I would not clame that this word is Kurdish origin because for me it is
sound Greek and definately not Turkish.
Unfortunately some Turkish words do not have exact equivalents in other
languages. Such words usually have very subtle meanings and nuances that
are difficult to retain when translated into another language, which is
probably the reason why Greeks borrowed the Turkish word "hatir" adding
the obligatory -i suffix to make it sound Greek. "Hatir" is just another
one of Those words which, as the saying goes in English, "covers a lot of
sins" i.e. it has lots of nuances depending on how and in which context it
is used.
Your language is so, fucked up that you can't even understand each other inlanguages. Such words usually have very subtle meanings and nuances that
are difficult to retain when translated into another language, which is
probably the reason why Greeks borrowed the Turkish word "hatir" adding
the obligatory -i suffix to make it sound Greek. "Hatir" is just another
one of Those words which, as the saying goes in English, "covers a lot of
sins" i.e. it has lots of nuances depending on how and in which context it
is used.
the most conversations! Some folks in Turkey talk with Arabic words, some
uses western words and some of them uses Greek, Armenian or Kurdish words.
Turkish language is made-up from mostly Arabic, Persian, Greek, Kurdish and
Western words. Almost 80% of the Turkish language that is spoken in
Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir and other big cities are borrowed words which is
from the other more civilized ethnicities or races. If a Turkmenistan person
or Kazakistan person from the central Asia speak to a *tURk* then a Turkish
person would have no idea of what they are talking about and surely they
have to use a translator.
When Turks say, "Hatirin icin yapacagim" (8a to kano geia to hatiri sou,
as you say in Greek) it means I'll do it for you/for your sake (but with
the implication that I would rather not do it OR that I will do it but
only just to please you OR out of my respect for you)".
So "hatir" DOES imply "respect". In Turkish tradition, you respect a man
just because he might have offered you a cup of coffee 30 years ago. Such
things involve "hatir" in Turkish. Such small things are not easily
forgotten. But then as I said, the word "hatir" is from the root word
"hatirlamak" which means "to remember".
You fucken have no idea of what you are talking about! hatir and respect areas you say in Greek) it means I'll do it for you/for your sake (but with
the implication that I would rather not do it OR that I will do it but
only just to please you OR out of my respect for you)".
So "hatir" DOES imply "respect". In Turkish tradition, you respect a man
just because he might have offered you a cup of coffee 30 years ago. Such
things involve "hatir" in Turkish. Such small things are not easily
forgotten. But then as I said, the word "hatir" is from the root word
"hatirlamak" which means "to remember".
two different things, hatir and hatirlamak have no fucken relationship at
hat = come = gelmek in Kurdish
hatin = came = past tense = geldin in Kurdish
Hun bi xer hatin = you are welcome = hosgeldiniz
Xatire te = Hatire te = tekil = singular = goodbye
Xatire We = Hatire We = Plural = cogul = goodbye
Still, I would not say this word is definately Kurdish!
If you insist that this is a Turkish word then prove me and find the same
word in Mongolia or any central Asian countries?
I would like gogu to explain us what is really hatir mean in Greek language
and the variations used!
Because, I really think it is a Greek word.
Sometimes there is a lot behind a simple word. I guess all languages have
such words but somehow there seem to be a lot of such words in Turkish.
Coupled with the Turkish syntax which is the reverse of European
languages, this is another reason why Turkish is a difficult language to
translate to or from. Not only are the words in main sentence reversed but
also the words in the individual phrases.
Well, at least you accept the fact that Turkish language is one of the mostsuch words but somehow there seem to be a lot of such words in Turkish.
Coupled with the Turkish syntax which is the reverse of European
languages, this is another reason why Turkish is a difficult language to
translate to or from. Not only are the words in main sentence reversed but
also the words in the individual phrases.
curropt and backward language in the world!
To give non-Turkish speakers a better understanding of Turkish syntax,
I'll give one very simple example. "I went to the river" becomes "Dereye
gittim" which is literally "River-to went-I". The suffixes reduce the
sentence from four to just two words.
Here is another one: "Amerikanlasti!" which means "He has become
Americanized!" One word in Turkish which in English requires the use of
four words.
Learn your own language first you son of a *tURk*, It is not Amerikanlasti,I'll give one very simple example. "I went to the river" becomes "Dereye
gittim" which is literally "River-to went-I". The suffixes reduce the
sentence from four to just two words.
Here is another one: "Amerikanlasti!" which means "He has become
Americanized!" One word in Turkish which in English requires the use of
four words.
it is Amerikanlilasti and Italians say only Americano!
But what has this got to do with "hatir"...???
How should I know?
One thought leads to another and before long one is off-topic!!!
You are basicly talking right out from your ars! That what is going on...How should I know?
One thought leads to another and before long one is off-topic!!!
Which reminds me... At the supermarket checkout this afternoon, a woman
was pushing her trolley into one of the two rows of trolleys to get her
pound coin back. I had just taken out my shopping out of my trolley and
"Shall I shove mine up yours?" (!)
And to my utter surprise (and you won't believe this) she gave me a
slap!!! She actually slapped me!!!
But I had the option of pushing MY trolley into the last trolley in the
OTHER row, after all.
See, what I mean about nuances of words!!!
Anyway, I better post this before I change my mind even if it HAS gone a
bit off-topic!!!
BTW, did you know the acronym for a "mother in law" is a "WOMAN
Also like in "make my hatir" = "make it for my shake".
E' mai possibile, oh porco di un cane, che le avventure
in codesto reame debban risolversi tutte con grandi
puttane! F.d.A
Coins, travels and more:
was pushing her trolley into one of the two rows of trolleys to get her
pound coin back. I had just taken out my shopping out of my trolley and
"Shall I shove mine up yours?" (!)
And to my utter surprise (and you won't believe this) she gave me a
slap!!! She actually slapped me!!!
But I had the option of pushing MY trolley into the last trolley in the
OTHER row, after all.
See, what I mean about nuances of words!!!
Anyway, I better post this before I change my mind even if it HAS gone a
bit off-topic!!!
BTW, did you know the acronym for a "mother in law" is a "WOMAN
Nice dictionary. I have just bookmarked it.
But I volunteer the info below for the benefit of Baba Ginka.
re hatir (i without the dot) ]
hatirlamak means to remember (this is the real fundamental meaning of
the word)
hatira is memento (something that reminds you of something)
hatirama gore (o with the double dots on top) means according to my
memory i.e. according to my recollection
hatir sormak (literally to ask for hatir) used when one pays one's
respects to someone -- like asking "how are you" etc.
Also "favor".But I volunteer the info below for the benefit of Baba Ginka.
re hatir (i without the dot) ]
hatirlamak means to remember (this is the real fundamental meaning of
the word)
hatira is memento (something that reminds you of something)
hatirama gore (o with the double dots on top) means according to my
memory i.e. according to my recollection
hatir sormak (literally to ask for hatir) used when one pays one's
respects to someone -- like asking "how are you" etc.
Also like in "make my hatir" = "make it for my shake".
E' mai possibile, oh porco di un cane, che le avventure
in codesto reame debban risolversi tutte con grandi
puttane! F.d.A
Coins, travels and more:
Hopefully the above info will give you a better grasp of the meaning and
the nuances of this word the meaning of which, as uhu pointed out,
depends on the context. The thing to do is to get the spirit of the word
and then you will understand its different meanings and nuances when
read in context.
BTW, the "i" in the above word must be without the dot. See the above
site how to type that char (ie. there are buttons on the page for such
turkish "umlaut" chars).
the nuances of this word the meaning of which, as uhu pointed out,
depends on the context. The thing to do is to get the spirit of the word
and then you will understand its different meanings and nuances when
read in context.
Hi there,
1. hepten
means "entirely"1. hepten
2. hatir
has many meanings. One needs the context it is used in.
BTW, the "i" in the above word must be without the dot. See the above
site how to type that char (ie. there are buttons on the page for such
turkish "umlaut" chars).