2005-01-10 05:21:17 UTC
mail 100
You are absolutely right,if the US goes to war against Chinese, all
Chinese - Americans, all Chinese-Australians will be interned by their
own governments.
The US and the Australian government , these two have signed their own
mutual defence pact, the US-Ausssie Defenvce Pact which obliges these
two armies to help each other in time of war.
So when a war blows out between China and the US, the Australian
government is obligated to send Aussie soldiers to help the US military
groups fighting the Chi-Coms.
You are absolutely right,if the US goes to war against Chinese, all
Chinese - Americans, all Chinese-Australians will be interned by their
own governments.
The US and the Australian government , these two have signed their own
mutual defence pact, the US-Ausssie Defenvce Pact which obliges these
two armies to help each other in time of war.
So when a war blows out between China and the US, the Australian
government is obligated to send Aussie soldiers to help the US military
groups fighting the Chi-Coms.