(too old to reply)
Ali Asker
2006-04-23 20:12:00 UTC




Published by Funk & Wagnalls Company (Adam W. Wagnals, Press.; Wilfred J.
Funk, Vice-Pres.; Robert J. Cuddiby, Treas.; William Neisel, Sec'y), 354-360
Forth Ave., New York


The Literary Digest for November 11, 1916 THE ARMENIANS, it appears, has
only himself to blame for all his woes. If he would stay conquered and have
no national aspirations and contribute his intelligence to the furtherance
of Turkish wealth and comfort, the Turk would not massacre him or send him
into exile. The massacres began almost as soon as the war started, and it
has taken two years for an explanation to be forthcoming. The position of
the Turkish Government has never been fully understood, says the Turkish
Foreign Minister, Halil Bey, in an interview with the Associated Press
representative, which comes from Vienna be way of Berlin and London. "The
Young Turks have always looked upon the Armenians as a valuable assert of
the Turkish Empire," says Halil Bey. "The fact is, we needed them," he
acknowledges, and for these reasons:

"The country's commerce was largely in their hands, and as farmers the
Armenians have a great value. We did not look upon them as valuable
chattels, however. We were willing to give them an equal share in the
Government, which we did, as is shown by the fact that before the outbreak
of the war we had a large number of Armenians in the Chamber of Deputies and
also several Senators and a Minister. Nearly all the Vice-Ministers were
Armenians, because we recognized the ability of the Armenians and were ready
to give them their political rights in the tenancy of a proportionate number
of public offices.

"After the revolution all went for time, and the Young Turks hoped they had
finally found a solution to the problem which had vexed the old regime in
Turkey for many years and had retarded the progress of the country. The
Balkan War, However, caused the Armenians again to take up their separatist
ideals. Committees formed an organization with the intention of securing for
the Armenians an autonomous Government."

The Turkish Minister would be "the last man to deny a people
self-government," but the case of the Armenians, he thinks, was not one for

"The Armenians spread throughout Asia Minor and southern Russia are merely a
majority in the districts usually designated as Armenian. Armenian autonomy,
therefore, would lead to the loss of the independence of the other Ottoman
races. Under these conditions even the Young Turks were opposed to the
Armenian plan, but in justice they wanted to give the Armenians a fuller
share in the Government, which was done, and even our worst traducers can
not deny that.

"When the war broke out we knew exactly what the Armenians were doing. More
bombs, rifles, ammunition, ad money had been brought into the country, and
their organization was made even more perfect. I was then President of the
Chamber of Deputies and was very fond of the Armenians members, as I had
always been a friend of that race. So I called the Armenian representatives
together and asked what they intended doing. At the end of the conversation
I told them I could sympathize with their ideals and had always done so as
long as they were not entirely separatist.

" 'Gentlemen.' I said. 'I fully understand your position and hope that you
understand ours. We have engaged in a war in which we may go down. That will
be your opportunity to make arrangements with the Entente, but bear in mind
that the Ottoman Government will apply the most severe measures if you act
against the Turks before you can meet the Entente Powers with clean hands,
which you can do by supporting us so far and no further than the law
demands. I think the Entente statesmen will see the correctness of such
conduct and will recognize your claim to autonomy. You can then take up the
work where we left off and to which I wish you every success, but bear in
mind that we are not gone yet, and that the slightest false move on your
part will bring trouble to all Armenians. Sit quiet and let us try this
issue. When you are sure we have lost, go over to the Entente and get from
them all you can.' "

Halil Bey represents the Ottoman Government as one on this point, "realizing
that the opportunity for the Armenians might come"; but despite this "the
Armenians rose when the Russians invaded Asia Minor, and the Turkish
Government took the measure which had been outlined to the Armenian leaders
beforehand." The Armenian organization, it is declared made it impossible to
confine the steps taken against them to a single locality in rebellion,
"because the organization was so perfect that only a sweeping measure at the
first hint of an uprising could meet the situation," Halil Bey continues:

"I will say that loss to the Ottoman Empire through the deportation of the
Armenians has been immense. The Armenian is able and industrious, and,
therefore, valuable in the economic scheme; but what could be done? We were
at war and obliged, therefore, to employ every means to make secure our own
position, which was betrayed so basely through our confidence."


A hard copy of this article or hundreds of others from the time of the
Armenian Genocide can be found in The Armenian Genocide: News Accounts From
The American Press: 1915-1922
2006-04-23 21:06:51 UTC
Post by Ali Asker
<fabricated Armenian propaganda deleted>

Hey Armenian, you are again posting fabricated / manipulated news articles.

PROOF: Manipulation of News Articles by the Armenian "Ali Asker"

Here is the proof that the Armenian "Ali Asker" has manipulated
news articles from the BBC and posted it in 10 big newsgroups on the Usenet:


#Path: ...!ndsoftware.com!!news-out.ntli.net!newsrout1-gui.ntli.net!
# ntli.net!news.highwinds-media.com!newspeer1-win.ntli.net!newsfe6-gui.ntli.net.POSTED!
# 53ab2750!not-for-mail
#From: "Ali Asker" <***@kurdistan.kd>
#Newsgroups: alt.politics.greens,alt.politics.usa.congress,alt.security.terrorism,
# soc.culture.british,soc.culture.europe,soc.culture.german,soc.culture.kurdish,
# soc.culture.turkish,soc.culture.usa,talk.politics.european-union
#Subject: Kurd unrest escalates in Turkey
#Lines: 42
#X-Priority: 3
#X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
#X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2900.2180
#X-RFC2646: Format=Flowed; Original
#X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2900.2180
#Message-ID: <QL_Wf.29719$***@newsfe6-gui.ntli.net>
#Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 00:31:44 GMT
#X-Complaints-To: http://www.ntlworld.com/netreport
#X-Trace: newsfe6-gui.ntli.net 1143765104 (Fri, 31 Mar 2006 01:31:44 BST)
#NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 01:31:44 BST
#Organization: ntl Cablemodem News Service
#Kurd unrest escalates in Turkey
#Hundreds of Kurdish youths have clashed with Turkish police in the town of
#Batman, in a third day of street violence in south-eastern Turkey.
#Two thousand riot police used tear gas against the protesters, who threw
#stones and petrol bombs.
#The protesters set fire to a bank and built barricades of flaming car tyres.
#The violence started in the city of Diyarbakir on Tuesday after the funerals
#of 14 Kurdish rebel fighters killed by security forces.
#Thousands gathered on Thursday at a cemetery in Diyarbakir for the funeral
#of three people killed during the week's street violence.
#Fresh fighting erupted in the city after the funeral, with some mourners
#pelting police with stones, prompting volleys of tear gas and warning shots
#from them.
#At least 250 people have been injured in the protests so far - more than
#half of them police officers, Turkish officials say.
#In nearby Batman, an estimated 200,000 people were taking part in a protest
#march when the unrest broke out.
#Correspondents say these are the worst street clashes in the region for many
#In Diyarbakir mourners held flags of the outlawed separatist Kurdistan
#Workers' Party (PKK), which called off a unilateral ceasefire almost two
#years ago.
#The authorities have reinforced the number of riot police and armoured
#personnel carriers in the city's streets.


#Kurd unrest escalates in Turkey
#Hundreds of Kurdish youths have clashed with Turkish police in the town of
#Batman, in a third day of street violence in south-eastern Turkey.
#Two thousand riot police used tear gas against the protesters, who threw
#stones and petrol bombs.
#The protesters set fire to a bank and built barricades of flaming car tyres.
#The violence started in the city of Diyarbakir on Tuesday after the funerals
#of 14 Kurdish rebel fighters killed by security forces.
#Thousands gathered on Thursday at a cemetery in Diyarbakir for the funeral
#of three people killed during the week's street violence.
#Fresh fighting erupted in the city after the funeral, with some mourners
#pelting police with stones, prompting volleys of tear gas and warning shots
#from them.
#At least 250 people have been injured in the protests so far - more than
#half of them police officers, Turkish officials say.
#In nearby Batman, an estimated 2,000 people were taking part in a protest march
#when the unrest broke out.
#Correspondents say these are the worst street clashes in the region for many
#In Diyarbakir mourners held flags of the outlawed separatist Kurdistan
#Workers' Party (PKK), which called off a unilateral ceasefire almost two
#years ago.
#The authorities have reinforced the number of riot police and armoured
#personnel carriers in the city's streets.
#Story from BBC NEWS:
#Published: 2006/03/30 16:22:33 GMT

The manipulation is that in original it reads
"In nearby Batman, an estimated 2,000 people were taking part in a protest march"

whereas in "Ali Asker"'s posting it reads
"In nearby Batman, an estimated 200,000 people were taking part in a protest march"

One must ask why he does such blatant manipulations.
Dear community, please judge yourself on what might "Ali Asker"'s goal be when
he does such manipulations to news articles we see countlessly from this guy
in many newsgroups. Ask yourself: does this have anything to do with the truth,
or the ethics of journalism?

Here you can find all postings of and about "Ali Asker":

For the above illegal action he was reported to the Abuse Dept
of his ISP/NSP at http://bbplus.ntlworld.com/NetReport/

My advice to all democratic thinking people:
Nobody should accept such manipulations of the truth, and therefore always
should report "Ali Asker" for each and any of his manipulated and unlawful postings.
Ali Asker
2006-04-23 21:40:29 UTC


The Literary Digest for June 25, 1921


"CHARITY MAY BIND UP WOUNDS and pour in the oil of consolation," but is it
not time that the systematic destruction of Christian peoples in the Near
East be made to cease? asks a special committee of the Near-East Relief
Association, which stands appalled at the threat of the Turks to rebuild
their mosques with Armenian skulls. "before it is too late," before this
dire threat can be carried into execution, the Association is sending a
warning to all members of Congress, to all churches and church assemblies,
and to 110.000 individuals who have contributed to the work of the
organization. Something more than charity is needed now. The danger of the
complete annihilation of peoples subject to Turkish rule is said to be
imminent, and only quick and concerted, we are told, can avert the tragedy.

A million Armenians have been slaughtered by the Turks, Professor Lepsius
testified before the Berlin District Court which recently tried and
acquitted the Armenian youth who assassinated Talaat Pasha, former Turkish
Grand Vizier. "The Armenians were systematically led to slaughter as soon as
the concentration-camps became overcrowded," the German professor is quoted
as saying in the news dispatches. "They were led out upon the desert, where
they were decimated in wholesale fashion. The object of the Turks was not to
exile the Armenians but to slaughter them in cold blood, the scheme being to
kill off a whole people." Thus the purpose of the Turkish Government is
revealed in the land of its ally in the war.

For centuries the minority populations in the Turkish domain have been
subjected to a deliberate process of extinction, we are reminded by the
American relief workers. Out of 1,850,000 Armenians living in Turkish
territory before the war there are said to be only 850,000 left. The rest
were butchered to make a "Turkish holiday." America has done much to relieve
the misery in the Near East, but "her task is not yet finished." For five
years the work of life-saving has continued, and nearly 1,000,000 human
beings, who otherwise would have perished, form a living memorial to
American aid. In this benevolent work approximately $60,000,000 have been
used by the Near-East Relief Association in the form of money, clothing,
supplies, shelter, food, medicines, medical care, and supervision.

But it is practically useless to stanch the flow of blood while the Turks
continue to slaughter their helpless victims, informed writers say. On
January 3, 1920, Leland Rex Robinson, who had spent some time in Persia and
the Caucasus as a member of a Near-East Relief Commission, wrote on The
Survey (New York): "Until America - or England - accepts the mandate for
Armenia (perhaps we should say the Caucasus rather than Armenia alone) there
is little hope that order can rise out of pandemonium. . . . Unless the
mandate is taken, relief work is three-fourths lost." In an official report
for the American Government when the advisability of an American mandate for
Armenia was under consideration, Maj.-Gen. James G. Harbord said:
"Mutilation, violation, torture, and death have left their haunting memories
in a hundred beautiful Armenian valleys, and the traveler in that region is
seldom free from the evidence of this most colossal crime of all the ages."

The Near-East Relief's manifesto, which is signed by a special committee
consisting of James L.Barton, chairman of the Association, and Secretary of
the American Board of Foreign Missions; Stanley White, Secretary of the
Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, and Walter George Smith, of
Philadelphia, relates that "contrary to expectations, national conditions in
the Near East remain so threatening that it has been impossible to return
the hundreds of thousands of exiled refugees to their homes where they could
become self-supporting, or to gather the vast number of dependent orphans
into anything but temporary orphanages. On the contrary, renewed atrocities
have created additional hordes of refugees and added to the number of
dependent children faster than their needs can be met." The statement covers
the entire present area of the American relief operations, in the country
reaching from the Dardanelles to the Caspian Sea, and south across Asia
Minor, Syria, And Mesopotamia eastward into Persia. Here political
conditions are chaotic. Anatolia, Armenia, Kurdistan, and Asia Minor are
under Mustafa Kemal Pasha, leader of the Turkish Nationalist party. Now that
the French are withdrawing from Cilicia, where they had assembled large
numbers of Armenians for protection -

"It is reported by absolutely trustworthy Americans that Turkish
Nationalists have proclaimed that the mosques and minarets destroyed in
their conflict with the French they will rebuild with the skulls of
Armenians. Women and children declare that they would choose death, in
whatever form it might come, to such a state of distress, of hopelessness,
and of perpetual terror, and yet no way of escape opens before them. Among
these distracted Christian peoples a state of panic prevails. Their safety
seems to lie only in flight. There appears to be no protection for them in
territory controlled by the Turkish Nationalists and the French protest
their going into French protest their going French Syria. They can not
immigrate to a foreign country, for the most of them are absolutely
destitute, and no country will receive them as refugees. They seem condemned
by circumstances beyond their control to certain death."

"As conditions now are it would seem that the giving of food and shelter
alone will not suffice for future protection. What seems to be impending
disaster to the unprotected Christian minorities under the control of the
Nationalist Turks must be averted or the wards of our philanthropy and care
may be destroyed under conditions of surpassing cruelty."

"If the contributions of past years are not to be wasted and our sacrificial
work come to nothing, we must take the next step of appealing to our own and
Allied governments to protect these threatened people. America is in a
position to secure the protection required if it acts promptly and
decisively. To achieve this she must act promptly and take the leadership in
this matter. She alone can with absolute political disinterestedness."

It is suggested that we insist that "England, France, and Italy, who have
incensed the Turk by depriving him of much of his choicest territory and
created in him a spirit of revenge," shall demand that exiled and menaced
peoples be restored to their homes and be protected there. To this end the
20.000.000 of people who contributed to the Near-East Relief "must follow
their gifts by action and by personal expression of determination that
something be done by our Government." So, continues the committee -

"In the name of that charity which knows no bounds of race or creed we urge
every one who reads these lines to write at once to his Senator and member
of Congress urging that early action be taken at Washington. No political
emergency can serve as an excuse for inaction on the part of our own
Government and the Allied governments. Each one should regard himself as an
agent to get others also to write that Washington may know and feel the true
heart of America."

"We do not assume to dictate to the President and to Congress what shall be
their method of attaining the end in view. We are certain that the means are
at their command to make it known to the Allied Powers that the people of
the United States look to them to end the Turkish destruction of Christian
peoples under their control, and we are equally sure of the goodwill and
humanity of the high officers of our Government; but if they are assured
that the public is back of them, their hands will be strengthened. What we
ask is that they bring home to the European Powers a realizing sense of the
fact that the American people are in earnest in their demands that these
people shall be saved from utter destruction."

We must not stand by and let the Armenians die, insists The
Congregationalist -

"The Allies have punished Germany with reparations, but the evil Turk seems
likely to resume his chronic sport of Christian-baiting, with only a murmur
of protest from the Western nations at whom he laughs in his sleeve. America
sends missionaries, and builds orphanages for the children of those whom the
dragon has slain, but America is helpless before the shrewd but unspeakable
Turk. It is our shame that it is so. It is time we did something to meet our
moral obligations to these weak ones who are the prey of race and religious
hate. Let the Church speak and demand action from the Government at
Washington. Let America speak with all the force that her prestige carries
in the councils of the nations. And let the nations that claim privileges in
the Near East be responsible for the safety of those who are in a peculiar
and tragic sense civilization's wards."


A hard copy of this article or hundreds of others from the time of the
Armenian Genocide can be found in The Armenian Genocide: News Accounts From
The American Press: 1915-1922
Post by Ali Asker
<fabricated Armenian propaganda deleted>
Hey Armenian, you are again posting fabricated / manipulated news articles.
PROOF: Manipulation of News Articles by the Armenian "Ali Asker"
Here is the proof that the Armenian "Ali Asker" has manipulated
# 53ab2750!not-for-mail
#Subject: Kurd unrest escalates in Turkey
#Lines: 42
#X-Priority: 3
#X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
#X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2900.2180
#X-RFC2646: Format=Flowed; Original
#X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2900.2180
#Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 00:31:44 GMT
#X-Complaints-To: http://www.ntlworld.com/netreport
#X-Trace: newsfe6-gui.ntli.net 1143765104 (Fri, 31 Mar 2006 01:31:44 BST)
#NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 01:31:44 BST
#Organization: ntl Cablemodem News Service
#Kurd unrest escalates in Turkey
#Hundreds of Kurdish youths have clashed with Turkish police in the town of
#Batman, in a third day of street violence in south-eastern Turkey.
#Two thousand riot police used tear gas against the protesters, who threw
#stones and petrol bombs.
#The protesters set fire to a bank and built barricades of flaming car tyres.
#The violence started in the city of Diyarbakir on Tuesday after the funerals
#of 14 Kurdish rebel fighters killed by security forces.
#Thousands gathered on Thursday at a cemetery in Diyarbakir for the funeral
#of three people killed during the week's street violence.
#Fresh fighting erupted in the city after the funeral, with some mourners
#pelting police with stones, prompting volleys of tear gas and warning shots
#from them.
#At least 250 people have been injured in the protests so far - more than
#half of them police officers, Turkish officials say.
#In nearby Batman, an estimated 200,000 people were taking part in a protest
#march when the unrest broke out.
#Correspondents say these are the worst street clashes in the region for many
#In Diyarbakir mourners held flags of the outlawed separatist Kurdistan
#Workers' Party (PKK), which called off a unilateral ceasefire almost two
#years ago.
#The authorities have reinforced the number of riot police and armoured
#personnel carriers in the city's streets.
#Kurd unrest escalates in Turkey
#Hundreds of Kurdish youths have clashed with Turkish police in the town of
#Batman, in a third day of street violence in south-eastern Turkey.
#Two thousand riot police used tear gas against the protesters, who threw
#stones and petrol bombs.
#The protesters set fire to a bank and built barricades of flaming car tyres.
#The violence started in the city of Diyarbakir on Tuesday after the funerals
#of 14 Kurdish rebel fighters killed by security forces.
#Thousands gathered on Thursday at a cemetery in Diyarbakir for the funeral
#of three people killed during the week's street violence.
#Fresh fighting erupted in the city after the funeral, with some mourners
#pelting police with stones, prompting volleys of tear gas and warning shots
#from them.
#At least 250 people have been injured in the protests so far - more than
#half of them police officers, Turkish officials say.
#In nearby Batman, an estimated 2,000 people were taking part in a protest march
#when the unrest broke out.
#Correspondents say these are the worst street clashes in the region for many
#In Diyarbakir mourners held flags of the outlawed separatist Kurdistan
#Workers' Party (PKK), which called off a unilateral ceasefire almost two
#years ago.
#The authorities have reinforced the number of riot police and armoured
#personnel carriers in the city's streets.
#Published: 2006/03/30 16:22:33 GMT
The manipulation is that in original it reads
"In nearby Batman, an estimated 2,000 people were taking part in a protest march"
whereas in "Ali Asker"'s posting it reads
"In nearby Batman, an estimated 200,000 people were taking part in a protest march"
One must ask why he does such blatant manipulations.
Dear community, please judge yourself on what might "Ali Asker"'s goal be when
he does such manipulations to news articles we see countlessly from this guy
in many newsgroups. Ask yourself: does this have anything to do with the truth,
or the ethics of journalism?
For the above illegal action he was reported to the Abuse Dept
of his ISP/NSP at http://bbplus.ntlworld.com/NetReport/
Nobody should accept such manipulations of the truth, and therefore always
should report "Ali Asker" for each and any of his manipulated and unlawful postings.
2006-04-23 21:50:20 UTC
Post by Ali Asker
<Armenian Anti-Turkish propaganda lies deleted>

Currently we are seeing how paid Armenian propagandists / lobbiests
try to manipulate naive people with their mass propaganda
by using many self-fabricated 'documents' and hear-say tales.

You should know: it's just the usual Armenian propaganda with
fabricated news articles,
fabricated news agency names,
fabricated organization names,
misusing organization names (for example "UN"),
misusing VIP names and/or their statements,
fabricated numbers,
fabricated names of individuals,
fabricated statements of "scholars"
of these paid Armenian propagandists
to make the articles "somehow authentic"...
Simply ignore the Armenian propaganda crap.


Research also yourself what really happened in 1915.
Do not blindly believe the lies of the Armenian propaganda machinery.

It is nothing but cheap Armenian Anti-Turkish propaganda without
any scientific basis. Fact is that the Armenians themselves
killed more than 4 times more other nationalities while they
were cleansing the region for their fascistic "Greater Armenia"
dreams in 1915. They still failed.

And today they are holding part of Azerbaijan (Nagorny-Karabakh)
occupied. There is the Nagorny-Karabakh Republic on the territory
of Karabakh. It has not been recognized by anyone, except for Armenia.
There are more than a million Karabakh refugees living in Azerbaijan.
Yet, Armenia and Karabakh-based Armenians are not likely to
discuss an opportunity to give Karabakh back to Azerbaijan's control.

Study the history: Armenians are by no means that peaceful people
you wrongly might think of them, exactly the opposite is true.
They are only good in lulling some naive Christian westerners
with their massive propaganda, and money.

FYI: today in Armenia not a single other minority like Turks,
Kurds or Moslem is living! How do you think have they did this?...

I can assure the Armenians: you will fail, in the end the truth
will weigh more than your propaganda lies.

The Armenians should rethink their relations to their neighbours
Azerbaijan and Turkey and should solve their own problems for
their own future. They should accept the plan of the American
Paul Goble as it is the most fair plan for the future of the region,
as Armenia today is a dying country because of its wars and
problems with its neighbours. Today all people are leaving Armenia.
This is the result of the politics of the uneducated dictatorship
regime in Armenia. This Armenian president is a proven racist.
Just one of many Proofs:
therein it says:
"January 2003: Council of Europe Secretary-General Walter Schwimmer
criticizes Kocharian for a speech suggesting that Armenians and
Azerbaijanis are "ethnically incompatible" and cannot live in the same state.

There was no genocide in 1915, only a civil war within WWI.
As said above the Armenians killed 4 times more people.
Do your own research of the history.

FYI: in the last 2 days Armenian propagandists have flooded many
newsgroups with more than 170 propaganda messages in each
newsgroup. Their abuse of the usenet was reported to the Abuse
Department of their ISP/NSP and their accounts have been closed
for misusing the Usenet for mass propaganda.

Can such mass propaganda by misusing the usenet convince anybody?
Study the truth yourself and judge yourself.
Do not blindly believe the Armenian propaganda lies and tales.
rick murphy
2006-04-23 21:57:04 UTC
Loading Image...


Ali Asker (***@lycos.com, <***@kurdistan.kd>) is a self
proclaimed PKK terrorist and proud of his murders living off british
taxpayers goodwill in Belfast, UK.


"From: Ali Asker (***@lycos.com)
Subject: Re: Kuwerdish contribution to Oscar 2005
This is the only article in this thread
View: Original Format
Newsgroups: soc.culture.iranian, soc.culture.kurdish,
soc.culture.turkish, soc.culture.iraq
Date: 2004-10-02 04:55:12 PST

We are the TERRORISTS...

We will divide Iran, Turkey, Syria and Iraq in to the pieces until
ever single individual is free from thought control, torture and
brain-washing! Every nation should have their own land where they can
practice their own culture. Iran has consist of about 20 some
different nations and we will tore them in to 20 different countries
and give mollahs a small land where they can practice their barbaric
religion to themselves and only harm temselves.




Ereli: Our common interest is to stop the PKK

The U.S. State Department spokesman Adam Ereli in response to whether
the US would allow Turkey to enter the north of Iraq in order to
eliminate the terrorist organization, the Kurdistan Workers Party
(PKK), said that he was unaware that such a statement had been made and
that if it did become a question, the necessary military authorities
would deal with it.

Ereli reiterated that the US recognised the PKK as a terrorist
organization and would act with its common interest with Turkey in
preventing terrorism activities of the PKK.

"Both Turkey and the United States consider PKK a terrorist
organization. Both countries are active against PKK," Ereli indicated.
He noted that the two countries would continue to cooperate and work
together on this matter.



Boucher: Ocalan Is A Terrorist Who Belongs In A Prison Cell

Published: 5/19/2005

WASHINGTON D.C. - The United States Department of State has announced
that Abdullah Ocalan is a terrorist who ''belongs in a prison cell.''

The U.S. Department of State has indicated that it took note of the
recent decision made by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) on
Ocalan and that this topic will be best handled by Turkey.

Spokesman of the U.S. Department of State Richard Boucher has said that
the U.S. continues to regard the PKK as a terrorist organization.

Describing Ocalan as a terrorist who belongs in a prison cell, Boucher
said that they did take a note of the ECHR decision.

Yet we believe that this topic would most appropriately be handled by
Turkey itself, commented Boucher.



The Terror Organization KADEK

1. General

Historical Background

The initial activities regarding the terror organization PKK have
started with the intellectual activities of some students defending the
Marxist-Leninist ideology within the Ankara's Democratic Patriotic
Students Association (ADYÖD) under the leadership of Abdullah ÖCALAN
since 1973.

Abdullah ÖCALAN and his friends declared the setting up of the
Kurdistan's Workers Party (PKK) during an illegal meeting held in the
Diyarbakir province, Lice district, Fis village on November 27, 1978
which was called 1 st. Congress.

The inital documents stating PKK's aim were the "The Way Of
Kurdistan's Revolution-Manifesto" and party program published in 1978.
According to the said program, the aim of the terror organization is to
found initially an independent Marxist-Leninist Kurdistan state in the
East and Southeast Anatolian regions in Turkey by using the method of
armed propaganda and to achieve subsequently its final goal of
establishing an "Independent United Kurdistan" through the unification
of the Kurdish states to be founded in neighboring countries.

To this end, the terror organization PKK having officially declared
the commencement of its armed activities following the bloody attacks
on the districts Eruh and Þemdinli on August 15, 1984 has determined
four-stage strategy in order to divide and destroy Turkey by trying to
gather some part of the people, who have been living in peace within
the country for thousands of years, on a separate territory under a
different flag claiming that they have allegedly a different identity.

According to the above-mentioned strategy, it has been intended to;

- Obtain certain cultural and social rights at the first stage,

- Set up an autonomy or another administrative system of federation
type at the second stage,

- Establish the alleged North Kurdistan in our territory at the
third stage and

- Found an independent and united Kurdistan state in the region to
include some parts of Iranian, Iraqi and Syrian territories at the
final stage.

To this end, the terror organization PKK has adopted the method of
separatism-based, three-phased armed propaganda which was called the
war of people, and based on violence directed against the regional
people. Accordingly, the terror organization PKK has aimed at.

- Completing strategic defense stage through armed propaganda,
alleged guerilla war and mobile war operations under the control of its
leading staff within the framework of its ideological ideas in the
first phase,

- Partially completing the process of establishing fronts and an
army and thus, creating the strategic balance which will provide the
balance of power between the security forces and the terror
organization in the second phase and,

- Establishing saved areas in the region after triggering public
risings wherever possible by escalating the conflicts and passing into
strategic attack state when seizing the authority in the third phase,

The terror organization which has increased its armed force over 8
thousand men and raised the violence it has used against the people
regardless of their being women, elder or children to the highest level
from 1992 has not been able to achieve the above-mentioned stages until
today due to the measures taken in accordance with the "Area
Superiority Concept" put into practice from 1994, and the operations
successfully conducted by security forces. As a result, the separatist
terror organization was forced to take the decision of unilateral
ceasefire four times in 1993, 1995, 1998 and finally on September 01,
1999 in order to preserve its terrorist power.

The terror organization desiring to exploit the alleged cease-fire
as an opportunity of recovery for tactical purposes has tried to prove
that it still maintains its existence by continuing its acts and
violence against the civilians and security forces in rural, on the one
hand, carrying out sabotage and bomb attacks in the cities, on the
other hand.

The Turkish Armed Forces has gained an important success in pulling
down the terror organization and its activities to a marginal level
through a successful military operation it has conducted under the
Turkish constitution and legislation to destroy the internal threat, by
acting in a way that ensures the simultaneous implementation of a
series of administrative, social and economic measures taken to prevent
the support being provided to the terror organization.

The last achievement of the Turkish Armed Forces in struggling
against terrorism was that head of the terror organization A. ÖCALAN,
who was deported from Syria, was taken to Turkey following his capture
in Kenya/Nairobi on February 15, 1999 and brought before the
independent court.

The terror organization, tending to resort again to violence during
the period when the head of the terror organization has been taken to
Turkey and brought before the judge, has been able to adapt itself to
the new situation in a short time within the framework of the defense
that head of the terror organization has made in the court and has
tried to reach its goal by exploiting Turkey's EU goal and certain
values such as human rights and democratic rights widely accepted by
the international community. Within the framework of his defense in the
court, the head of the terrorist organization has changed his tactic
and begun to articulate such concepts as "Democratic Republic" and
"Democratic Middle Eastern Union" in its defense to save himself from
capital punishment.

At the VII. Congress of the terror organization held in the Kandil
Mountain region in Iraq on January 02-23, 2000 during which the new
strategy of the terror organization was agreed, it was decided that;

- The armed activities should be resumed in case of execution of
head of the terrorist organization and.

- The Kurdistan's National Liberation Army (ARGK), the alleged
military flank of the terror organization should maintain its existence
under the title of "People Defense Forces (Hezi Parastini Gel-HP) and
the Kurdistan's National Liberation Front (ERNK), the alleged political
flank of the terror organization, which mainly carries out activities
in European countries under the "Kurdish Democratic People Union
(Yekita Democratic A Gele Kurd-YDK) until appropriate legal
arrangements regarding recognition of the Kurdish identity in Turkey
and constitutional guarantees are provided.

The legalization plan that the terror organization has developed
according to its new strategy agreed during its congress, provides for
the followings:

- Giving the message that it is ready to make peace with the
government of Turkish Republic in order to obtain the status of being
recognized as a party in national and international public opinion,

- Handing over some terrorists to the security forces to convince
the public opinion that it is allegedly ready to make peace,

- Making political studies within the People's Democratic Party
(HADEP), which has political connection with the terror organization,
or a similar legal organization, and cooperating with other political

- Making guiding studies within the municipalities governed by
HADEP to broaden grass roots,

- Having contacts and cooperating with intellectuals from all
circles in Turkey's democratization to ensure the alleged cultural
rights of Kurds being recognized,

- Demanding that the Turkish government should make legal changes
to prove its goodwill through the human rights organizations,

- Bringing up the education in Kurdish language,

- Ensuring the Kurdish identity coming to the fore by focusing on
cultural activities,

- Organizing campaigns in order to ensure the scope of the law of
amnesty being extended,

The terror organization has attempted by its new plan to reach its
final goal that it could not achieve through its armed struggle it has
been carrying out for 16 years, through legalization efforts. To this
end, it has increased its activities it has conducted under the title
of the "Democratic Republic" at home and under "Political Settlement (
Solution ) To The Kurdish Problem" abroad,

In the plan the terror organization developed under the name of
"Peace Project" on March 07, 2000 following the VII. Congress,

- The alleged "Kurdish Problem" and PKK terror are identified with
the Irish, Palestinian, East Timor and Basque problems and it is
requested that the related "Political Solution" initiatives should also
be taken in Turkey and,

- It is put forward that the settlement of the alleged Kurdish
problem in Turkey in accordance with the predictions of head of the
terror organization, Öcalan would also serve the settlement of the
problems in the Middle Eastern countries, and the "Democratic Middle
Eastern Union" to be set up in regional countries would lead to
economic, social and cultural developments,

- Subsequently, in its 2nd "Party Assembly" meeting held in North
Iraq in September 2000, the terror organization decided to be
reorganized to conceal its terrorist identity and began to term its
former structure with innocent titles,

- Assuming that the new strategy of the terror organization could
not be well understood and adopted by its mountain members, the terror
organization held the III. "Party Assembly" meeting between 27 February
and 03 March 2001 and focused on restructuring activities in accordance
with the decisions it took during the said meeting. In addition, the
terror organization, having assessed that the people movement
activities could not achieve the desired level, has intensified its
efforts to ensure its new strategy being accepted by its members and
supporters through a series of meetings.

In this context;

* The "Centralized Propaganda and Media Conference" was held
between 29 May and 07 June 2001 in order for the efforts in the media
field, that the terror organization considers to be insufficient, and
to reach an organized structure,

* The "1st Public Movement Conference" was held between 20 June and
02 July 2001 for the purpose of carrying out the acts and activities
the terror organization has started under the name of alleged 2nd Peace
Efforts, in a more organized manner through its supporters and
sympathizers who are directed by the front organizations,

* The "1st Public Defense Forces (HPG), Conference" was held
between 28 June and 12 July 2001 in order to develop a new structure by
making radical changes in the armed flank of the terror organization
from the armed group order and discipline to war tactics and

* The "3rd Free Women Party (PJA) Conference" was held on July
11-22, 2001 to make the women organizations conducting activities in
legal and illegal fields more active and organized,

* The "1st Culture, Art and Folklore Conference" was held on 11-22
July 2001 in order to indoctrinate wider parts of the people with
separatist ideas and,

* The "6th National Conference" was held on August 05-22, 2001
under the leadership of the alleged Supreme Council of the terror
organization in order to coordinate the conferences to be held in line
with the activities the terror organization carries out in various
fields and to direct all organizational efforts towards public

- The above-mentioned conferences have drawn special attention as
the ones which have been held within the framework of preparations for
the 8th Congress of the terror organization PKK. According to the
decisions taken during the said conferences, various campaigns have
been organized primarily in Europe and subsequently in Turkey for the
purpose of gaining support for the requests of constitutional
recognition of the Kurdish identity and the use of Kurdish language as
the language of education. However, the terror organization has not
been able to reach the desired level of participation by the people.

- On the other hand, the terror organization has focused on
re-establishment of the terrorist groups not directly affected by the
security forces and on their armed training in raid, laying ambush and
sabotage. The disagreements arising within the terror organization,
PKK-KPU conflict and escape of nearly five hundred Syrian terrorists
from the terror organization in particular have been the noticeable
problems that the terror organization has faced within the period under

- In the meantime, the defense that head of the terror organization
has developed for his trial lasting in the European Court of Human
Rights has been printed by the terrorist organization in a two-volume
book under the title of "From the Sumerian Monastic State To The
Democratic Republic", accepted as the second manifesto and begun to be
used as a guide document for all activities carried out by the terror
organization and as a basic document in the ideological training of the
terrorist organization's members and supporters.

- The 8th Congress preparations which have lasted for a long time
in accordance with the outline of the said defense of head of the
terrorist organization was held in the Kandil Mountain region in
Northern Iraq on April 04-10, 2002 with the participation of 285
terrorist's 106 of whom were women and 179 men as well as about 100

- In the said congress during which the activities the terror
organization PKK has conducted in the past and report developed
according to the defense of head of the terror organization and
submitted to the congress have also been evaluated, it has been pointed
out that;

* The terror organization PKK has obtained some advantages like
raising of the Kurdish problem in international area as a result of the
armed struggle it has conducted since 1977,

* However, the ideology and modus operandi adopted by the terror
organization at the beginning have failed due to the collapse of the
former Soviet system and the anti-terror environment arising following
the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on the US and,

* It has been the time that PKK would be replaced by a completely
new formation in order not to be included in the list of terrorist
organizations, and it must undergo restructuring beginning from its
ideology to its lowest-level units, including a change in its
organizational title,

* The "3rd Free Women Party (PJA) Conference" was held on July
11-22, 2001 to make the women organizations conducting activities in
legal and illegal fields more active and organized,

* The "1st Culture, Art and Folklore Conference" was held on 11-22
July 2001 in order to indoctrinate wider parts of the people with
separatist ideas and,

* The "6th National Conference" was held on August 05-22, 2001
under the leadership of the alleged Supreme Council of the terror
organization in order to coordinate the conferences to be held in line
with the activities the terror organization carries out in various
fields and to direct all organizational efforts towards public

- The above-mentioned conferences have drawn special attention as
the ones which have been held within the framework of preparations for
the 8th Congress of the terror organization PKK. According to the
decisions taken during the said conferences, various campaigns have
been organized primarily in Europe and subsequently in Turkey for the
purpose of gaining support for the requests of constitutional
recognition of the Kurdish identity and the use of Kurdish language as
the language of education. However, the terror organization has not
been able to reach the desired level of participation by the people.

- On the other hand, the terror organization has focused on
re-establishment of the terrorist groups not directly affected by the
security forces and on their armed training in raid, laying ambush and
sabotage. The disagreements arising within the terror organization,
PKK-KPU conflict and escape of nearly five hundred Syrian terrorists
from the terror organization in particular have been the noticeable
problems that the terror organization has faced within the period under

- In the meantime, the defense that head of the terror organization
has developed for his trial lasting in the European Court of Human
Rights has been printed by the terrorist organization in a two-volume
book under the title of "From the Sumerian Monastic State To The
Democratic Republic", accepted as the second manifesto and begun to be
used as a guide document for all activities carried out by the terror
organization and as a basic document in the ideological training of the
terrorist organization's members and supporters.

- The 8th Congress preparations which have lasted for a long time
in accordance with the outline of the said defense of head of the
terrorist organization was held in the Kandil Mountain region in
Northern Iraq on April 04-10, 2002 with the participation of 285
terrorist's 106 of whom were women and 179 men as well as about 100

- In the said congress during which the activities the terror
organization PKK has conducted in the past and report developed
according to the defense of head of the terror organization and
submitted to the congress have also been evaluated, it has been pointed
out that;

* The terror organization PKK has obtained some advantages like
raising of the Kurdish problem in international area as a result of the
armed struggle it has conducted since 1977,

* However, the ideology and modus operandi adopted by the terror
organization at the beginning have failed due to the collapse of the
former Soviet system and the anti-terror environment arising following
the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on the US and,

* It has been the time that PKK would be replaced by a completely
new formation in order not to be included in the list of terrorist
organizations, and it must undergo restructuring beginning from its
ideology to its lowest-level units, including a change in its
organizational title,

- During its 8th Congress, the terror organization has stated that
PKK's role has ended under current circumstances and decided that;

* It will not use the title "PKK" in the activities it carries out
in every field from April 04, 2002 when the birthday of head of the
terrorists is,

* It will conduct its activities under the title "Kurdistan's
Freedom and Democracy Congress-KADEK" from now on in accordance with a
new program, statute and organization based on the solution of Kurdish
problem in line with the main points of the defense that head of the
terrorists has submitted to the European Court of Human Rights within
the existing borders in four countries,

* PKK considers KADEK as its sole legal representative and disposes
of its moral and physical acquisitions to KADEK. The terror
organization made a press conference in Belgium/Brussels on April 16,
2000 and publicized its decisions.

- In the meantime, the fact that the inclusion of the PKK in the
list of terrorist organizations developed by the European Union member
nations which was issued on May 4, 2002 has led the members of the
terrorist organizations into great concern regarding the possible
inclusion of KADEK in the list of terrorist organizations. For this
reason, the terror organization has immediately begun to make protests
against such nations as Denmark, Spain, the UK who have had an effect
on the related decision-making,
2006-04-25 01:08:35 UTC
You Ali Baba and rest of Mohammedans go to hell with genocidal sexual maniac
child molester and terrorist #1
Post by Ali Asker
Post by Ali Asker
Post by Ali Asker
Published by Funk & Wagnalls Company (Adam W. Wagnals, Press.; Wilfred J.
Funk, Vice-Pres.; Robert J. Cuddiby, Treas.; William Neisel, Sec'y), 354-360
Forth Ave., New York
Post by Ali Asker
The Literary Digest for November 11, 1916 THE ARMENIANS, it appears, has
only himself to blame for all his woes. If he would stay conquered and have
no national aspirations and contribute his intelligence to the furtherance
of Turkish wealth and comfort, the Turk would not massacre him or send him
into exile. The massacres began almost as soon as the war started, and it
has taken two years for an explanation to be forthcoming. The position of
the Turkish Government has never been fully understood, says the Turkish
Foreign Minister, Halil Bey, in an interview with the Associated Press
representative, which comes from Vienna be way of Berlin and London. "The
Young Turks have always looked upon the Armenians as a valuable assert of
the Turkish Empire," says Halil Bey. "The fact is, we needed them," he
"The country's commerce was largely in their hands, and as farmers the
Armenians have a great value. We did not look upon them as valuable
chattels, however. We were willing to give them an equal share in the
Government, which we did, as is shown by the fact that before the outbreak
of the war we had a large number of Armenians in the Chamber of Deputies and
also several Senators and a Minister. Nearly all the Vice-Ministers were
Armenians, because we recognized the ability of the Armenians and were ready
to give them their political rights in the tenancy of a proportionate number
of public offices.
"After the revolution all went for time, and the Young Turks hoped they had
finally found a solution to the problem which had vexed the old regime in
Turkey for many years and had retarded the progress of the country. The
Balkan War, However, caused the Armenians again to take up their separatist
ideals. Committees formed an organization with the intention of securing for
the Armenians an autonomous Government."
The Turkish Minister would be "the last man to deny a people
self-government," but the case of the Armenians, he thinks, was not one for
"The Armenians spread throughout Asia Minor and southern Russia are merely a
majority in the districts usually designated as Armenian. Armenian autonomy,
therefore, would lead to the loss of the independence of the other Ottoman
races. Under these conditions even the Young Turks were opposed to the
Armenian plan, but in justice they wanted to give the Armenians a fuller
share in the Government, which was done, and even our worst traducers can
not deny that.
"When the war broke out we knew exactly what the Armenians were doing. More
bombs, rifles, ammunition, ad money had been brought into the country, and
their organization was made even more perfect. I was then President of the
Chamber of Deputies and was very fond of the Armenians members, as I had
always been a friend of that race. So I called the Armenian
Post by Ali Asker
together and asked what they intended doing. At the end of the
Post by Ali Asker
I told them I could sympathize with their ideals and had always done so as
long as they were not entirely separatist.
" 'Gentlemen.' I said. 'I fully understand your position and hope that you
understand ours. We have engaged in a war in which we may go down. That will
be your opportunity to make arrangements with the Entente, but bear in mind
that the Ottoman Government will apply the most severe measures if you act
against the Turks before you can meet the Entente Powers with clean hands,
which you can do by supporting us so far and no further than the law
demands. I think the Entente statesmen will see the correctness of such
conduct and will recognize your claim to autonomy. You can then take up the
work where we left off and to which I wish you every success, but bear in
mind that we are not gone yet, and that the slightest false move on your
part will bring trouble to all Armenians. Sit quiet and let us try this
issue. When you are sure we have lost, go over to the Entente and get from
them all you can.' "
Halil Bey represents the Ottoman Government as one on this point, "realizing
that the opportunity for the Armenians might come"; but despite this "the
Armenians rose when the Russians invaded Asia Minor, and the Turkish
Government took the measure which had been outlined to the Armenian leaders
beforehand." The Armenian organization, it is declared made it impossible to
confine the steps taken against them to a single locality in rebellion,
"because the organization was so perfect that only a sweeping measure at the
"I will say that loss to the Ottoman Empire through the deportation of the
Armenians has been immense. The Armenian is able and industrious, and,
therefore, valuable in the economic scheme; but what could be done? We were
at war and obliged, therefore, to employ every means to make secure our own
position, which was betrayed so basely through our confidence."
Post by Ali Asker
A hard copy of this article or hundreds of others from the time of the
Armenian Genocide can be found in The Armenian Genocide: News Accounts From
The American Press: 1915-1922
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