A painting of Mongolian life in 1906
(too old to reply)
Jim Roberts
2005-11-15 15:52:02 UTC
I thought some of you might enjoy seeing this old painting done
by a Chinese itinerant artist in Mongolia, circa 1906. It shows
dozens of Mongolian residents engaged in all kinds of everyday
activities. My great-grandfather, who was a missionary in that
area for 25 years, wrote a description of the different groups of
people and what they're doing. I've included it in the website.

Here's the URL: http://someoldcoins.org/mong/

- Jim

(Mailers please remove all zzz's from my address.)
2005-11-15 22:48:25 UTC
Your old familys picture was very interesting but can we see also the
whole one all together, to get the idea of everything as that artist
could see it, or with his imagining. In my idea it is very chinese
view!! (As you say.) But so interesting to see from one century past.
My country Tyva was in mongolia territory until that time, 1912. Now we
have too many christian missionarys, America, Korea, Norway, they
disturb our culture and traditions, with really no respect and honor,
in every far away village. We like to be Buddhists. But they have money.
Jim Roberts
2005-11-16 20:08:24 UTC
Post by etta
Your old familys picture was very interesting but can we see also the
whole one all together, to get the idea of everything as that artist
could see it, or with his imagining. In my idea it is very chinese
view!! (As you say.) But so interesting to see from one century past.
I'm very glad you found it interesting. I've put a scan of the entire
picture (231 KB) at this URL: Loading Image...
(There's also a link now from the site http://someoldcoins.org/mong/).
Post by etta
My country Tyva was in mongolia territory until that time, 1912.
Well, well! I've read Dr. Feynman's story about the time he visited
your country in the 1980s, and I've seen the colorful postage stamps
with your country's name on them, but I've never met anyone from there.
Post by etta
Now we have too many christian missionarys, America, Korea, Norway,
they disturb our culture and traditions, with really no respect and
honor, in every far away village. We like to be Buddhists. But they
have money.
I'm very sorry about that. The radical christians in America don't
respect or honor the rest of us here, either, and they're trying to
disturb our culture and traditions, too. So I know what you mean.
But it's worse when they act that way while visiting in other
peoples' countries. With best wishes...

- Jim
2005-11-17 22:12:14 UTC
Hello Jim

What a great picture - how big is it really? I will try print it when I
get colour ink. It reminds one only black drawing on the wall in
waiting area of Ministry Internal Security in another buddhist Republic
of Russia I visited -Kalmykia, also Mongolians, buddhists, but live in
Europe since I think 17century or so. It is also fascinating place, but
with criminal president like all in Russia !!!!! Near to Caspian and
Volga. They all deported to Siberia 1944 -57 by Stalin, too many died
hungry and cold. Maybe 50% I think.
Pity to say Dr Feynman died only some days before his official
permission to visit Tyva. His boy's dream could not be true. He did not
believe that could be true, our capital's name K'z'l! His good friend I
forget name, I met him, wrote the book Tuva Or Bust, and he did come
some times, also made film about black blind US blues singer Chinggis
Blues, winner Sundance festival (film), who came to Tyva, won the
Unesco's international throat singing contest! Throat singing is our
own national culture, that has two or many sounds at one time. You can
find sample online by Google.
The most interesting triangel stamp is that one with the man, the camel
and the train - to show before Great Patriotic War (your WW2) that Tyva
was so progressive - but designer in Moscow did not know -we still have
no trains!!! Actually also only one road to join to 'Mother Russia'
over mountains. (Our country was taken by Stalin in 1944, before we had
independence since splitting up from Mongolia, 1912.)
You can see Friends of Tyva on the www.
