2004-02-17 08:50:36 UTC
FYI, throat-singing is not peculiarly "Tuvan". Tuvans do khoomei, but
so do Mongolians. Inuits have been known to do khoomei. Just because
Genghis Blues showed that concert in Kyzyl, which was awesome, doesn't
mean that khoomei is only Tuvan. I saw HHT in Chicago. It seemed
almost exactly the same show with almost all the same songs as the
year before. The only difference seemed to be the new guy and the
percussionist wasn't playing a bull scrotum.
Taking credit that HHT is "Turkish." That's like saying English pop
music is Roman. University of Chicago is showing HHT's pic in their
Eurasian Studies program, even though Tuva is not part of the
group received a well-deserved standing ovation at the end. I persuaded a
friend to come along even though she'd never heard of Tuvan throat-singing,
and she was very grateful afterwards. I think it'd be hard to find someone
who doesn't find this music intensely affecting.
Anyway, current tour info can be found here. They're touring assorted
If you go, do listen for a new song that's performed solo in the second
half by new HHT member Andrei Mongush - it's translated as meaning
something like "Well wishing" but unfortunately I didn't catch the title in
Tuvan. Incredibly beautiful! Alas, I only learned *after* the concert
that it's the opening song on their new (2004) album _Altai Sayan
Tandy-Uula_, which you can buy on tour but isn't available elsewhere yet.
Had I realized it at the time, I would have bought the album on the
strength of that piece alone...
so do Mongolians. Inuits have been known to do khoomei. Just because
Genghis Blues showed that concert in Kyzyl, which was awesome, doesn't
mean that khoomei is only Tuvan. I saw HHT in Chicago. It seemed
almost exactly the same show with almost all the same songs as the
year before. The only difference seemed to be the new guy and the
percussionist wasn't playing a bull scrotum.
Taking credit that HHT is "Turkish." That's like saying English pop
music is Roman. University of Chicago is showing HHT's pic in their
Eurasian Studies program, even though Tuva is not part of the
Tuvan Turkish ensemble Huun Huur Tu will be in concert in
San Francisco this Thursday!
I saw them here in Victoria (B.C.) on February 6. Fantastic concert; theSan Francisco this Thursday!
group received a well-deserved standing ovation at the end. I persuaded a
friend to come along even though she'd never heard of Tuvan throat-singing,
and she was very grateful afterwards. I think it'd be hard to find someone
who doesn't find this music intensely affecting.
Anyway, current tour info can be found here. They're touring assorted
If you go, do listen for a new song that's performed solo in the second
half by new HHT member Andrei Mongush - it's translated as meaning
something like "Well wishing" but unfortunately I didn't catch the title in
Tuvan. Incredibly beautiful! Alas, I only learned *after* the concert
that it's the opening song on their new (2004) album _Altai Sayan
Tandy-Uula_, which you can buy on tour but isn't available elsewhere yet.
Had I realized it at the time, I would have bought the album on the
strength of that piece alone...